Multi Group Winning | BTCA National Specialty Winning | BTCA All-Time Top Producing Stud Dog
(5/30/03 - 10/10/19)
About Vegas

Vegas was the second Bedlington Terrier to join the LAMZ kennel. After attending the 2003 Montgomery County Kennel Club dog show, the largest all-terrier show in the world, Gaby and Laurie realized that they would need more than one show dog between the two of them in order to enjoy this sport. After a serendipitous search for a second Bedlington, Vegas came to them in October 2003 from his breeder, Shirley Gorman. Vegas currently lives in Pennsylvania with Gaby.
Vegas began his show career on February 14, 2004 and finished his AKC Championship just a few months later, on July 29, 2004, with 3 major wins. Vegas was specialed limitedly through the end of 2004 and started his formal specials career in 2005. In his first few months as a special, he was awarded many competitive Best Of Breeds, including a win at the historic Morris & Essex Kennel Club show in 2005 during the BTCA National Specialty weekend. Vegas also earned his first group placement, a Group 2, in 2005. Although he was shown on a limited basis, Vegas finished 2005 as the #5 ranked Bedlington Terrier in the United States, earning an invitation to compete at the prestigious Westminster Kennel Club dog show in February 2006.
In 2006, Vegas was specialed on a limited basis, but ended the year in the top rankings for the breed, once again winning some impressive breed wins and group placements along the way. Vegas' specials career took off in 2007, becoming his most active and most notable year as a special. Early in 2007 we attended the BTCA National Specialty in Louisville, Kentucky. The day following the National Specialty, Vegas was awarded Best of Breed over an entry of more than 40 Bedlington Terriers. That win convinced us that this dog needed to be seen and deserved the recognition of being a top-ranked special. We set out that year to make him the #1 Bedlington Terrier in the breed. Over the course of the year, Vegas received multiple Group 1's, over 20 Group Placements, a Best In Specialty Show win and over 100 Best of Breeds. At the time, Gaby was still showing Vegas in juniors and they qualified to compete in Junior Showmanship at both Eukanuba and Westminster. Vegas ended 2007 as the #1 Bedlington Terrier (Breed Points) and was then put into semi-retirement from the specials ring.
Vegas made a brief return from retirement to complete his AKC Grand Championship in April 2011, just shy of his 9th birthday. He did so in style, winning Best of Breed, Best Veteran in Breed, a Terrier Group 1, a Veteran Terrier Group 1 and Best Veteran in Show on the day that he completed his AKC Grand Championship requirements.
When he was not in the conformation ring, Vegas competed in various performance venues. He had a notable career in the performance venues, earning his Junior and Senior Earthdog titles, Rally Novice title, Coursing Ability title, Barn Hunt Instinct title, Novice Barn Hunt title, Canine Good Citizen title and was working towards Agility titles before he was retired from strenuous performance events due to a leg injury.
Vegas' performance career has spanned his entire life, from earning his CGC at just over a year old, to celebrating his 10th birthday by receiving his Coursing Ability title. At 10.5yrs old, we began Barn Hunt tests with Vegas. As with Earthdog tests, Vegas took to these trials quickly, qualifying in the Intro level and earning his RATI title during his first trial. He then qualified in the Novice level, earning his first qualifying leg with a first-place and a blazing time of just 13.5 seconds! He finished his Barn Hunt Novice (RATN) title at his second day of Barn Hunt tests, just 5 days shy of his 11th Birthday! Hardly done there, Vegas earned his Farm Dog Certified (FDC) title at 16 years and 2 months of age!

On March 19, 2011, Vegas went Best of Breed at the BTCA National Specialty under breeder-judge Jackie Fogel from the Veterans class at almost 8 years of age! The same day, his daughter Ginny (LAMZ Top Shelf Bombay Sapphire) went Winners Bitch for a major win at 6 months of age!
Although Vegas has been semi-retired from the show ring since 2007, he still makes occasional appearances at the larger shows (National Specialties, etc) and is occasionally shown by local junior handlers who want to learn about the breed. Vegas' love for the show ring makes it hard to retire him completely, and he can still hold his own in the specialty rings, earning an Award of Merit, Best Veteran and Best Veteran in Sweepstakes at the 2015 BTCA National Specialty at nearly 12 years of age.
Vegas is also a UKC Champion. Along the way to that tile, he became a Multiple Group Winner, Multiple Reserve Best in Show winner and a Best in Show winner. We are so lucky to be able to share our lives with such an amazing dog. His personality and love for everyone he meets is contagious and he has more fans than we ever dreamed possible.
Although Vegas has been semi-retired from the show ring since 2007, he still makes occasional appearances at the larger shows (National Specialties, etc) and is occasionally shown by local junior handlers who want to learn about the breed. Vegas' love for the show ring makes it hard to retire him completely, and he can still hold his own in the specialty rings, earning an Award of Merit, Best Veteran and Best Veteran in Sweepstakes at the 2015 BTCA National Specialty at nearly 12 years of age.
Vegas is also a UKC Champion. Along the way to that tile, he became a Multiple Group Winner, Multiple Reserve Best in Show winner and a Best in Show winner. We are so lucky to be able to share our lives with such an amazing dog. His personality and love for everyone he meets is contagious and he has more fans than we ever dreamed possible.
Vegas' Career Highlights
Vegas' Best in Specialty Show & Group Placement Tally:
Best in Specialty Shows: 2 Group 1's: 7
Photos of Vegas
Vegas' Pedigree
Vegas' Champion Get
GCh LAMZ A Brief History of Time RATI CGC TKN |
Ch LAMZ Repeat After Me |