Multi Group Winning
KOR.CH LAMZ Snowbrook Once Upon a Time (Exp. South Korea)
About Henry

Henry was co-bred by Lydia Frey and is out of her bitch, Pippa (Ch LAMZ Upstaged the Bride CA). Henry was exported to South Korea, where he lives with and is shown by his owner, Ji Eon An. Henry was the first dog exported overseas from LAMZ Bedlington Terriers and we are very happy with all of his successes in the show ring.
Henry has been shown in South Korea with great success, earning his Korean Championship and also Multiple Terrier Group 1's in the Korean Kennel Club's shows! In the FCI International shows, Henry has earned a group placement and is working on his INT title. We are so proud of this young dog and his owner and can't wait to see the impact he has on the breed in his new country!
Henry has been shown in South Korea with great success, earning his Korean Championship and also Multiple Terrier Group 1's in the Korean Kennel Club's shows! In the FCI International shows, Henry has earned a group placement and is working on his INT title. We are so proud of this young dog and his owner and can't wait to see the impact he has on the breed in his new country!