Ch. M&M LAMZ Magic Man
About Harry
Harry was co-bred by Morgan Miller and was one of the puppies from her first litter of bedlington terriers! He is owned by Lindsay and Scott Maruska. Harry's dam, Bug, was a group placer from the classes. His sire, Vegas, has a lengthly show record including multiple Group 1's, a National Specialty Best of Breed and many more notable achievements.
Harry started his show career off with a bang, going Winners Dog at the 2014 Montgomery County Kennel Club. Montgomery County KC is the largest terrier show in the world. He finished his AKC Championship in very limited showing in April 2016, becoming the second homebred Champion for his breeder, Morgan Miller.
Harry started his show career off with a bang, going Winners Dog at the 2014 Montgomery County Kennel Club. Montgomery County KC is the largest terrier show in the world. He finished his AKC Championship in very limited showing in April 2016, becoming the second homebred Champion for his breeder, Morgan Miller.