Group Placing
Ch. LAMZ Luck Be A Ladybug
About Bug

Bug lives with the Miller family in Central Pennsylvania, along with Roadie (GCh LAMZ College Road Trip). Bug is a littermate to our top-winning bedlington, Shilling (BISS GCh LAMZ Heads I Win Tails You Lose CAA RATI RATN). Bug made her debut at the 2010 BTCA National Specialty weekend, in Louisville Kentucky, and showed extremely well every time in the ring. The following weekend she was Winners Bitch/Best of Breed/Puppy Group 1 on Saturday and Winners Bitch/Best of Winners/Best of Breed and pulled in the group on Sunday, for her first point, at just over 6 months and a week old! In August 2011, she picked up her first major win, a 5-point major, in Canfield, Ohio over a very strong bitch entry. In the spring of 2012, Bug received a Group 2 in a nice terrier lineup, from the classes! Bug finished her Championship in 2013, going Winners Bitch for her final major.
Bug had her first litter in 2013, sired by Vegas (MBISS GCh LAMZ Viva Las Vegas RN SE CA RATI RATN CGC). From that litter, three puppies are being shown. Mira (Ch M&M LAMZ Now U See Me Now U Don't) and Bandit (M&M LAMZ Slots of Fun) have both placed in the terrier group from the classes and Harry (Ch M&M LAMZ Magic Man) was Winners Dog at Montgomery 2014 for his first major!
Bug had her first litter in 2013, sired by Vegas (MBISS GCh LAMZ Viva Las Vegas RN SE CA RATI RATN CGC). From that litter, three puppies are being shown. Mira (Ch M&M LAMZ Now U See Me Now U Don't) and Bandit (M&M LAMZ Slots of Fun) have both placed in the terrier group from the classes and Harry (Ch M&M LAMZ Magic Man) was Winners Dog at Montgomery 2014 for his first major!