Multi Group Placing | Multi Best Puppy in Show Winning | #1 Bedlington Terrier in Canada 2015
CAN.Ch. Camerata Don't Spoil the Party (Co-bred & Living in Canada)
About Beatles
Beatles is the result of a truly international partnership of Bedlington Terrier breeders. We exported Beatles' dam, Bella (LAMZ Trick Pony of Camerata), to Christopher Lee of Camerata Bedlington Terriers in 2011. Bella was out of our Rigby x Vegas litter which brought together some of the top European and American Bedlington lines. Bella was later bred to a Canadian dog owned by Bonnie Nelson, who kept Beatles from the resulting litter. Because we stayed on as co-owners on Bella, we are co-breeders on Beatles.
Beatles had an outstanding first year in the show ring, earning her Canadian Championship with 17 Group Placements, 19 Puppy Group 1's and 2 Best Puppy in Show awards. Beatles ended 2015 as the #1 Bedlington Terrier in Canada. She made a brief trip to the United States in October 2015 to compete at the BTCA National Specialty weekend held in conjunction with Montgomery. Beatles was Reserve Winners Bitch to 5-point majors two of the days from the 6-9mos puppy class.
In early 2016, Beatles earned her first AKC points, picking up a major and two singles over one weekend. She will be returning to the United States in the future to complete her AKC Championship.
Beatles had an outstanding first year in the show ring, earning her Canadian Championship with 17 Group Placements, 19 Puppy Group 1's and 2 Best Puppy in Show awards. Beatles ended 2015 as the #1 Bedlington Terrier in Canada. She made a brief trip to the United States in October 2015 to compete at the BTCA National Specialty weekend held in conjunction with Montgomery. Beatles was Reserve Winners Bitch to 5-point majors two of the days from the 6-9mos puppy class.
In early 2016, Beatles earned her first AKC points, picking up a major and two singles over one weekend. She will be returning to the United States in the future to complete her AKC Championship.
Beatles' Career Highlights
Beatles's Best in Show & Group Placement Tally (as of 12.23.15):
Best in Shows: 0 Best Puppy in Shows: 2 Reserve Best in Shows: 0 Group 1's: 0 Puppy Group 1's: 19 Group 2's: 4 Group 3's: 4 Group 4's: 9